Friday 9 December 2011

LED Downlights

led downlights
If you are looking to save energy and bring down your electricity bills then you might want to consider LED Downlights. They have been proven to be considerably more efficient than incandescent and halogen bulbs so any conscious home owner would be wise to research LED solutions. The link above also features some interesting advice on positioning of bulbs alongside some safety tips to keep you and your family safe.

We strongly suggest that you read the above information and consider making the switch to LED lighting.

Welcome from My Green Lighting

Welcome to our brand new blog! It's all about saving the planet, and money, by making the switch to low energy alternatives to traditional light bulbs. We are talking about g9 bulbs, LED Downlights and all sorts of other bulbs for all sorts of different low energy lighting applications. Everything can be sourced from the wonderful people over at My Green Lighting, click the banner below for more details and to start ordering your new bulbs.

low energy light